If someone asks what kind of music you like, whatever you do, don't tell them heavy metal. Particularly if it comes up at a job interview or when meeting your girlfriend's parents. The next question will be if you bite the heads off bats or have goat heads in your bedroom. Jimmy Kimmel fans asked for a formal apology after a Knocked Loose performance [which is understandable because they didn't play arf arf]. I use a pen name to avoid attention from Al Gore's wife. You have been warned. If you really want to alienate people, just quote Ozzy Osborne.

The hardest thing about getting old is all my good friends are dead. My problem, really, is I don't remember I'm 70 [he's 69]. I don't really know what 70-year-old people are supposed to do. So I just do my own thing -- Ozzy Osborne.

Heavy metal has, how can I put this gently, a low signal to noise ratio. The unpretentious metalhead struggles to navigate the vast impenetrable heavy metal wasteland. Join me as we open up a few cans of headbangers and mosh.

Levitate - Bleed from Within


I know that your thinking.
WTH is this?
From the looks of it, this band is so heavy it can levitate what appears to be an unconscious drunk from the floor, while not waking him up mind you, like 10 feet in the air.

That is some heavy $#!+.

Lyrics such as "Open up, I'll crawl inside" and "I'll search for you in the guts of the lost world" showcase the band's undeniable songwriting talent. For the first 3m10s they scream "we levitate to find bliss" which you can skip to the breakdown which is quite disturbing and cannot be unseen.

The comments give some insight into the unknowable. Although I wondered if they were watching the same video.

If this song was on YouTube ads, I wouldn't dare skip it. It's too precious.
Are you f***ing kidding me?????
The most underrated band of our generation.
The level of the songwriting is insane!
This is the band of the future.

Pallbearer - Devoid of Redemption


Pretty sure you could call Pallbearer a doom metal band without any objections from the gallery. With the title Devoid of Redemption, I'm not sure if they were talking about the wretched old man or Pallbearer.

Pallbearer rightfully deserves its own subcategory of doom metal called sludgecore [which I just made up]. Hordes of pagans fleeing their hovels before becoming entombed in a slowly advancing wall of cursed hopelessness. The lyrics deftly convey the utter futility of it all.

No more time
No more breath
No more hope
No more dawn
Only void

The comments are predictably downcast. Today, I have killed five thousand men. Tomorrow, I will kill five thousand more. -Jagganoth, Kill Six Billion Demons



This has to be the best article NPR has ever published "Deal with it Headbangers -- Babymetal is here. BABYMETAL is a grind yer bones heavy metal band. A talented Aoyama Hideki on double bass drums plays a glitched drum track live. Fujioka Mikio can play anything. Breakdowns, lead, sliding grinding rhythm. The dripping morse code riff is brilliant. The combined guitars on a song like "Catch me if you can" live sounds like a chainsaw. Su-metal's "overwhelming singing ability" is overwhelming. Yui-metal is the "Angel of Dance." Moa-metal has the gift of "extraordinary professionalism". Yui and Moa dance at close to 100% synchro degree. They are a very charming unit. Karate is one of my favorite BABYMETAL songs. It's about the fight to make the world better.

Volumes - Happier?


Heavy metal is not always about hopelessness, death, and extinction, although purists will argue with me here. Every now and then a metal band wants to be positive and uplifting whilst still being menacing and brutal. Technically a progressive metalcore band, Volumes Happier? offers a brief moment of inspiration and wishes you were happier.

I'm asking for help from above. I'm trying to find that reason to love.

I remembered I had something to give. I'm trying to find that reason to live.

Through all the lights the darkest nights. I wish you were happier.

Volumes - Get Enough


Go ahead, I dare you to figure this one out. This should have been called Had Enough [of this Happier? stuff]. WTH is in that plastic bag? Where are the freaking police? The soundtrack is Godzilla heavycore.

Maybe the comments can shed some light?

The chemistry between Mike and Myke is so great that the 2 of them are already disposing of a body together.

Uh OK - maybe not.

Swallow the Sun - Justice of Suffering

Swallow the sun

Now we're gettin somewhere. Swallow the Sun is a Finnish death-doom band. Finland has the greatest number of metal bands per capita in the world (53.2 bands per 100,000 inhabitants). Moving to Helsinki soon, gonna see the heavy metal boom. Put new batteries in the skullcrushers and jack the bass.

Whatever you do, don't look up the lyrics. This is a Finnish death-doom metal band for freaking sake. The lyrics are scary. Take my word for it.

Juuso Raatikainen's crawling beat, fills, and paradiddles drive the instrumental quartet forward like a slow moving panzer division. Mikko Kotamaki's guttural vocals convey the dread and impending doom expected from this deadly serious death-doom hellfest.

Thousands of rabid zombie lawn gnomes advance over the landscape. Panic sets in as the Druids fear the horrible things that will happen when they overrun Stonehenge. Run now, while you can.

Even the advertisers are afraid. There are no ads and only 2 comments. It is not on any top heavy metal list. Maybe should be called the injustice of suffering (from no appreciation). It is inexplicable. Here is the link to a cleaner version on the album inappropriately titled Hope.

Jinjer - Who's Gonna Be the One?


Jinjer hails from Donetsk, Ukraine. When they played Red Square Putin invaded because they wouldn't let him be "The One." Give this band credit for their enthusiasm. Roman Ibramkhalilov showcases every metal guitar technique. Palm muting, powerstroking, riffing, the very important alternate picking, and galloping. The drummer [Vladislav Ulasevich] and bass player [Eugene Abdukhanov] are a solid heavy unit like a caterpillar D10 ripping blue rock. Who's going to be the one? Must be Tatiana Shmayluk. Talented, super entertaining vocalist moving between growls and clean like a pro. WTH is she going to do next?