This is the last time I am searching how to renew an HTTPS certificate on a Raspberry Pi Apache 2 server. At some point, Google AI will send a notice - Sir, you searched for cert renewal 35 times - WRITE IT DOWN! Dumbass. To prove I am not a dumbass Google, dammit, I am writing it down. Here it is.

sysadmin notes open in nano

This is an example of sysadmin search.

user@mba:~/sysadmin> sysadmin cert
# Lets Encrypt Certificates
sudo certbot certificates         # Letsencrypt certs
sudo certbot renew --dry-run      # Renew all certs
sudo certbot renew                # Renew all certs
certbot certonly --force-renew -d #renew one cert

Sysadmin notes are in a text file called sysadmin.txt. To edit or search Sysadmin.txt type the command sysadmin. The sysadmin command runs the nano text editor and opens sysadmin.txt. Typing sysadmin <string> will search sysadmin.txt for the string. This is the sysadmin command bash script.

sysadmin () 
    # Type sysadmin to edit the notes
    # Type sysadmin <string> to search the notes 
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        nano -w ~/www/writing/sysadmin/sysadmin.txt;
        grep -i --color=auto  "$1" ~/www/writing/sysadmin/sysadmin.txt;

Sysadmin.txt lives in a web directory, so it can be displayed in a web browser. This is the web page that displays sysadmin.txt [This web page].

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sysadmin Notes</title>
    <meta name="author" content="">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css">
This is the last time I am searching how to renew 
an HTTPS certificate on a Raspberry Pi Apache 2 server. 
At some point, Google AI will send a notice - 
<q>Sir, you searched for cert renewal 35 times - 
WRITE IT DOWN! Dumbass</q>. To prove I am not a dumbass, 
I have been writing it down. It saves a lot of time.
Here it is.
<pre>user@mba:~/sysadmin> sysadmin cert
# Lets Encrypt Certificates
sudo certbot certificates         # Letsencrypt certs
sudo certbot renew --dry-run      # Renew all certs
sudo certbot renew                # Renew all certs
certbot certonly --force-renew -d #renew one cert</pre>
Sysadmin notes are in a text file called sysadmin.txt. To edit or search Sysadmin.txt type the command <b>sysadmin</b>. The sysadmin command runs the nano text editor and opens sysadmin.txt. Typing <b>sysadmin <string></b> will search sysadmin.txt for the string. This is the sysadmin command bash script. 
sysadmin () 
    # Type sysadmin to edit the notes
    # Type sysadmin <string> to search the notes 
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        nano -w ~/www/writing/sysadmin/sysadmin.txt;
        grep -i --color=auto  "$1" ~/www/writing/sysadmin/sysadmin.txt;
Sysadmin.txt lives in a web directory, so it can be 
displayed in a web browser. This is the web page that 
displays sysadmin.txt [This web page]. 
<p>The current sysadmin.txt file is listed here.</p>
<pre><object id="textobject" data="sysadmin.txt" type="text/plain" width="600" height="4096">
<a href="sysadmin.txt">No Support?</a>
<p class="center"> 2023-07-16</p>

The current sysadmin.txt file is listed here.

No Support? 2023-07-16